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Carnivore, The Ultimate Elimination Diet

Shawn Feldman

Summary: The ultimate elimination diet with nearly zero-carbs offers many benefits. However, long-term use by necessity should be monitored. Ideally, root cause needs to be identified.

Summary: The ultimate elimination diet with nearly zero-carbs offers many benefits. However, long term use by necessity should be monitored. Ideally, root cause needs to be identified.

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is an M.D. neurologist who developed the GAPS diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) which significantly improved her son’s autism. Since then, this diet has been employed to help heal people with a condition often referred to as “leaky gut.” The intestinal tract of all humans has a resident population of bacteria and fungi; the “gut flora” or “microbiome.” Health, in part, is dependent on having a healthy gut-barrier and appropriate numbers of different microbes in appropriate ratios. For those unable to heal on the traditional GAPS diet, Dr Campbell-McBride has recommended further dietary restrictions: consuming only meat, salt, and fat. This dietary approach, The Carnivore Diet, can be excellent for healing the intestinal tract when other diets or medications fail. For many, this dietary approach has been extremely successful.

Some nutritionists are concerned that a long-term restrictive carnivorous diet lacks important phytonutrients, fibers, and short-chain fatty acids. However, other carnivores like Dr. Shawn Baker, Mikhaila Peterson, and others have maintained excellent health and normal blood values despite years of eating a Carnivorous diet.

More recently, this style of eating has been used by overweight individuals to lose excess body fat. Meat and fat are not only nutrient dense, they are incredibly satiating, causing cravings to disappear. Others have used the Carnivore Diet to manage severe food allergies/sensitivities, histamine intolerance, or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

After a time of consuming only meat, salt, and fat, some people have difficulty maintaining health if other whole foods are added back into their daily diet. As more research and information comes out on the Carnivore diet, experts such as Judy Cho believe the inability to add in other whole foods could mean another underlying problem may be at play. Those unable to easily incorporate alternative healthy foods into their diet after 3, 6 or 12 months, may need to look further into their root cause.

This was the situation I faced after years on a carnivore diet. It was hard to look further when feeling well. I felt amazing on Carnivore, but I could not consume any other foods without significant consequences.

Try to find your underlying cause. Keep looking, one day you will heal. In the meantime, the meat, salt, and fat diet might be beneficial.

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